
If you are a producer who raises cattle or pigs, you understand the importance of ensuring they receive the right kind of feed supplements and minerals that will help you meet your farm's goals. However, achieving this is not just about having the right products. You need a comprehensive solution that takes into account various aspects of your farm, such as the size of your herd, the stages your animals are at, and the specific nutritional requirements of each animal.

Alberta Feed & Consulting Ltd offers a variety of services that can help your cattle and hog farms succeed. Our team of nutritional experts can assist you in creating custom solutions that are tailored to your operation’s specific needs and goals. We provide feed testing, feed formulation and ration balancing services to ensure that the feed products you are using meet the required quality standards. Additionally, we offer delivery services that make it easy and convenient for you to get your order.

Feed Testing

We can test farm-feed products, including grains, hay, silage and any other feed-stuffs to meet your farm feed requirements.

Feed Formulation

You can trust your custom blend with our Feed Formulation services will be more effective and economical than a mass market version.

Ration Balancing

Ration balancing allows you to meet your goals more efficiently by taking into consideration the nutrient requirements of the cattle, nutrient content of feedstuffs, and other calculations.

Feed Consulting

Alberta Feed & Consulting specializes in providing expert cattle and swine feed consulting services.


Our delivery services are tailored to meet the needs of today's producers, providing a convenient and economical solution to ensure that you are supplied with feeds, minerals, and premixes.