High Cereal Mineral

Alberta Feed & Consulting’s High Cereal Mineral is specifically formulated to meet beef cattle nutritional needs while feeding high cereal rations (barley, oats, corn) or cereal silage. This makes it ideal for growing and finishing cattle or for feed-lot operations. It is a high calcium and low phosphorus mineral. It also contains high levels of magnesium and 10% added salt. There are high levels of nutrient fortification for all other nutrients. We recommend feeding High Cereal Mineral at 80 – 100 grams per head per day.

Available with or without added Rumensin.



  • Thoroughly mix 7.2 kg premix with 492.3 kg of barley silage and 500 kg of grass hay dry matter. 
  • Feed to 600 kg mature beef cows at 2.3% of their body-weight as the daily Dry Matter Intake (DMI) or 13.8 kg DMI.


These minerals are usually fed when using feedstocks that contain low calcium levels and higher phosphorus levels, such as most grains. Use High Cereal Mineral for the following feed scenarios.

  • Green-feed (Barley, Oat, Wheat)
  • Winter Corn grazing.
  • Grain Silage (Barley, Oat, Wheat, Corn)
  • Straw and grain combinations
  • Anytime high levels of grain are fed
  • Corn or wheat DDG’s

Contact Alberta Feed & Consulting Ltd to learn more about our High Cereal Mineral.

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