Winter Mineral (2-1)

Alberta Feed & Consulting’s Winter Mineral is designed to be fed from weaning until 30 days before calving begins to prepare for harsh winters and other stressors, such as when forage quality is poorer or when feeding a mixture of various forages. This premix contains two parts calcium to one part phosphorus. It also incorporates high levels of magnesium and 5% added salt. Winter Mineral offers high levels of nutrient fortification for all other nutrients. It is recommended you feed at 80 – 100 grams per head per day.

Available with or without added Rumensin.



Thoroughly mix 7.2 kg Winter Mineral px with 492.3 kg of barley silage and 500 kg of grass hay dry matter. 
Feed to 600 kg mature beef cows at 2.3% of their body weight as the daily Dry Matter Intake (DMI) or 13.8 kg DMI.


The Winter Mineral is usually fed when using feedstock that contain medium to higher levels of calcium and lower levels of phosphorus. You can use this premix for the following feed scenarios:

  • Late summer pasture
  • Winter hay feeding
  • Timothy/Brome/Clover hay
  • Hay/clover silage
  • Pea / canola straw

Contact Alberta Feed & Consulting Ltd to learn more about our Winter Mineral (2-1).

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